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Re: What radiator for a 75 and other qs?

Subject: Re: What radiator for a 75 and other qs?
From: StudeAnt <>
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 1998 04:22:53 EST
In a message dated 97-12-26 00:22:17 EST, you write:

<< I downloaded the cross reference parts list 
 from the Bricklin website and it is confusing about just what radiator 
 fits into a 75.  In fact, if read literally, the list does not include a 
 reference for the 75 radiator.  Does anyone know what crosses over and 
 can anyone give me advice on what to expect on this adventure.  >>
ANY radiator shop can repair or recore your radiator. They do NOT need to know
what crosses over as the larger and/or more experienced shops can identify
most common radiators by sight and a quick measurement (and ocassionally will
look up in a illustrated "buyers guide"). I would suggest changing the fluids
before a long trip-at least the engine oil and gas. Either bring an extra
water and fuel pump with you (would be best to change them before going).
Replace the fuel filter too. Also change all the fan belts as they've surely
taken a 'set' (have shaped themselves to the pulleys and could snap at any
time regardless of how they may look). Check all the hoses carefully
(especailly the bypass hose it it the Ford engine), also the heater hoses.
Replace the radiator cap-if it fails to hold pressure the boiling point of the
coolant will be lowered and you'll overheat. You may also want to consider
changing the thermostat. Good luck!-Anthony

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