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Re: FW: TKR - it gets worse...

Subject: Re: FW: TKR - it gets worse...
From: Godly Krew <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 22:47:51 EST
it really stinks that they destroyed a bricklin, especially one that was in
good shape.
i would think that with all those high tech special effects, they could
provide the illusion of the car exploding without hurting the car.  they could
have used bluescreening or a high end graphics program like Softimage 3d to
have the same effect...

I wonder what they were smoking!!!!

I hate to say this, but i fear the loss of the Brick may be worse than we
the Brick that was destroyed may have been crystal blue,a rare 1976 model (one
of twelve) that once made the front page of the brickline and an award for
best of 76 stock division.  

lets hope that this is not the case.

Riley Marquis III
1975 Bricklin SV1
VIN 1758 - Safety Orange

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