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RE: Finally got my window to work -- for free

To: "'Greg Monfort'" <>
Subject: RE: Finally got my window to work -- for free
From: Ron Auger <>
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 12:52:13 -0500
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On Wednesday, April 01, 1998 8:42 AM, Greg Monfort 
[] wrote:
> >>and the hydraulics are strong enough to severely bend the door
> >>should
> >>that occur.
> >========
> >That's for sure! Both my door frames are broken from the excessive
> >pressure applied at the extremes of door travel.
> >
> >GM
> >
 I replaced my pump/motor/reservoir with two units that seem to be 
identical to the original. They are from a company called Hypac and include 
a relief valve that recycles to the reservoir if the door reaches fully 
closed. They even made me a new set of hydraulic lines.

Let me know if your interested in more info about them.

                                        Ron Auger
(snail-mail) Olsy North America         Staff Software Engineer
        185 Plains Road Suite 302W      203-882-4373 (desk)
        Milford, CT  06460              203-783-1520 (fax)
(E-mail)          800-759-8888 (bpr) pin#1153000
(C-mail) Ron Auger CMLA
(V-mail) 800-338-0775                           "Eschew  Obfuscation"

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