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Re: newbie!

To: illyana delorean <>
Subject: Re: newbie!
From: Dave Cairns <>
Date: Tue, 07 Apr 1998 22:16:14 -0700
Hello, I must say that no one here has ever been meen to any new user on
the list.. Unlike most lists we here don't mind talking about the
bricklin and answering questions that seem trivial to us.. It's just one
more excuse to talk about the car we love.. :) Take care and I'll answer
any questions you want.. :)

illyana delorean wrote:
> AAH! another new person on the bricklin list! another uneducated
> bricklin fan to add to the list of question-posers on this list! yes,
> that would be myself. i am, primarily, a DeLorean fan, but i have also
> become quite interested in the beautiful automobile that is the
> bricklin. i have known about these cars for quite some time, yet i
> have only recently actually seen a picture of one. "Awesome! It's a
> mix of a DeLorean and a Corvette!" is what my brother commented, and
> then he said he thought they were cooler than DeLoreans. even though i
> dont quite agree with him, i am still intrigued by these cars and
> would like to learn more about them. this meaning i will probably ask
> frequent questions, but only after consulting websites and/or new
> friends i will possibly make (hint hint!). i have learned that many
> people on mailing lists do not like new members very much due to their
> frequent asinine questions about the subject at hand and such. but i
> will try my best to act civil and un-idiot-like when i post! thanks
> for having me (if you are, in fact, having me on the list! i may be
> just an unwanted guest).
> <-illyana delorean->
> location: tucson, arizona (any bricklin owners/fans in my area? i
> would love to be in touch!)

       |     |
       (.) (.)
:Dave Cairns                                       :
:==Email Address:==================================:
:  Home:                       :
: 1985 Dodge Charger                               :
: 1981 Honda CM400 T TwinStar                      :
: 1975 Bricklin SV-1 (SOON!!)                      :

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