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Windshield wiper motor

To: Bricklin List Server <>
Subject: Windshield wiper motor
From: "William H. Whitney" <>
Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 08:51:51 -0400
Hi, everyone...

Latest problem in my 1974 occurred yesterday. The windshield wiper motor 
began running erratically at the lower speed. It would run fine, then 
get slower. Finally it just died at that speed. The higher speed seems 
to be OK. Sounds like the motor needs replacing. Is there another 
solution? If not, what is the recommendation for a replacement? 

TIA... Bill.

William (Bill) H. Whitney
VIN #624 (and mint condition Orange Mini-B #37 for sale to best offer 
over $1,500)
Owner, Micro Business Applications, dBase/Clipper/FoxPro consultant

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