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Re: Value of a Brick

Subject: Re: Value of a Brick
From: "William H. Whitney" <>
Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 13:53:28 -0400
Hi, John, et al...

A thought occurred to me that I'm sure must have been mentioned at some
point that may help increase the value of Bricklins; that is exposure to
the public. I see part of the problem of these cars having less than
desirable collectible
value is that the public doesn't know about them. Comments about "kit
cars", and "what is a Bricklin", etc. come from an uninformed

I think one way of educating the public is for everyone who has a
Bricklin in reasonable shape to enter it into every car show they are
able to. Most
shows have an exotic car category. I know that some shows may be
selective about what they permit and what they don't, but there's no
harm in trying. Whether your car will win a prize or not really doesn't
matter (though that would be nice) as much as getting these cars exposed
to the public. The more they know about them and their uniqueness (and
rarity), the more they want to own them and therefore, possibly increase
the collectible value of them. And auto shows are where the collectors
hang out.

Another way is to drive the car once in a while. I haven't seen a
Bricklin on the road in well over 10 years. In the late 70s, I would see
one once in a while. But no more. We're the best kept secret around.
Let's change that and get these cars noticed!!!

Best... Bill.

William (Bill) H. Whitney
VIN #624 (and mint condition Orange Mini-B #37 for sale to best offer
over $1,500)
Owner, Micro Business Applications, dBase/Clipper/FoxPro consultant

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