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To: "Bricklin (E-mail)" <>
Subject: Victory?!?
From: "Olson, Scott" <>
Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 11:50:07 -0500
        Last night I attempted the unthinkable. To move the Bricklin
roughly 30 miles to my new apartment.  Started by replacing the fuel
pump (already mentioned) now I took a spring flexible socket driver and
my neat new Ryobi 18V cordless drill and drove those last two valve
cover bolts in.  (It stopped most of the oil leakage I had found 3 that
were loose)  I still have to run the car a ways before I can see if the
little smoke is old oil burning off or new oil.  I drove the car 2 miles
when the first break-down happened.  (apparently the distributor points
were not adjusted in the least and were closed throughout the rotation)
Fixed that and the Bricklin Jumped to life.  It laid patches ran hard
ran smooth  ran fast.  It made the 30 mile trip without a hitch except
for the toll booth were the window had to be rolled down (oops  forgot a
window crank)  Cruised through downtown homewood and tried to impress
chicks (with moderate sucess).  Now my friend is in love with Bricklins
and wants to sell his Chevy Nova (faster than my brick) just to have
gullwing doors and gears for cruisin(top speed).

Just thought you all might like to hear some good news from #466 after
all the anguish I appeared to be wailing through

Scott #466

P.S.  Is it just me or is the 40MPH-100MPH  range for the Bricklin just
awesome.  I drove my buddies 1/4 mile monster Nova and the thing would
just eat the Bricklin off the line, but I have not felt such powerful
pull at 40 MPH or even 70MPH before.  And my mom AND my best friend have
stingray corvettes.  I've owned mustangs.  I ridden in Novas  etc.  Do
we have awesome cars or what?  I'm not sure what can of worms I
amopening up here, but which bricklin is faster stock? What's the
fastest modified bricklin?  Who owns bricklins in the Detroit/Ann
harbor/ Adrian MI area.  A buddy of mine saw a mint condition one (I
think green) at some restaraunt a few weeks ago?  Anyone we know?

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