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Re: AWD Bricklin

Subject: Re: AWD Bricklin
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 22:36:01 EST
>I half-heartedly considered going AWD (not 4WD) with my Bricklin.

Ok, the Bricklin has four wheels.  AWD means all wheel drive.  If all four
wheels are driven, then it is by definition both four wheel drive and all
wheel drive.  Four wheel drive is a special case of AWD.  An army truck with 8
powered wheels is all wheel drive.  It is really obnoxious for certain car
companies try to redefine the language to suit their marketing hype du jour.
There are many different engineering solutions to driving all the wheels on a
vehicle, and these manufacturers are trying to appropriate the English
language to sell their cars.  Whew. (sorry Phil this ranting is directed at
Subaru, not you)
George Curley

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