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RE: heat/ac, Clutch/Brake pedal install

Subject: RE: heat/ac, Clutch/Brake pedal install
From: "Olenick, Jamison" <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 10:04:01 -0400
   I am in the same boat.  The day after our trip to Cecil County I found
coolant leaking into the passenger floorboards (and out through a hole that the
previous owner had made).  Well....out came the dash (THANKS to John Blair!!!! -
otherwise I would have still been working on the headlight switch) Also- just a
little note - the A/C switch on the dash (looks like some sort of variable
resistor type - comes off with an alan key) 
   So...I replaced the heater core with one for a 74 Javelin (fit perfectly -
although it was not fun or especially easy).
   I too was inpressed with the factory tape/cardboard job on the ducts but I
resided to replacing it with Fresh Duct Tape (for now...I plan to do it the
right way later).
    I DO already have the aux blower mounted in my car.  The blower does mount
on the front door of the heater box with the intake on the top side and the
motor on the bottom.  (Alan - call me if you want to come see it or talk about
it...the dash will be out for a few more days. 410-668-1874)  There is a switch
mounted in the dash that has a seperate power wire running to it to turn the
blower on and off.  I do have to admit that i think that a relay would be an
excellent idea.
   Well, for all of those still reading this rambling...  While in St. Louis
last weekend I picked up some clutch/brake pedals out of an AMX at the local
pick-a-part across from Speedway Raceway.  They do fit into the existing mount
but they are way too close to the gas pedal.  Tonight I am going to look into
having them bent about 1-1.5 inches to the side.  The hole for the Brake booster
does no line up correctly and a new one will have to be drilled.  Also, the
clutch rubs on a metal ridge on the support and that had to be grinded off (not
too bad with the dash off - would be hell with it on though).
   Anyone have any ideas on how I could bend the pedals?????????
   Whenever I get my T-5 conversion complete I will have to do an article for
   Thanks again to John and the Dash removal procedure on the web page.
   Another note - The Headlight switch without vacuum is $12, the one with it is
$36.  stinks! oh well......


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