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seller on e-bay white 74 4-spd.

To: (K M)
Subject: seller on e-bay white 74 4-spd.
From: (Candace Reese)
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 18:25:50 -0500 (EST)
Kim, just curious, to find out any info regarding that (bull-#$%'rs) 74. 

I couldn't get thru into that e-bay in questioning  that seller for any

I saw what he was auctioning the starting-bid for the car, (which didn't
seem a bad price)  But,.. after reading his info,
                    ( I- DON'T-THINK-SO!)
let  us know if you get a response from him.   Thank's  Ken.

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  • seller on e-bay white 74 4-spd., Candace Reese <=