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would like to see one...

Subject: would like to see one...
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 19:31:44 EST
Hello list...
    I'm new on here, and I was wondering what Brick owners lived anywhere 
near me.  Strangely enough, we have a De Lorean and I've certainly seen 
plenty of them, but I've never seen a Bricklin in real life yet, so if anyone 
was accomodating I would certainly appreciate it.  I live in the middle of 
nowhere in south jersey, but I see on the Bricklin population map there 
should be some around Philadelphia, which isn't too far.  Anyway, if anyone 
could help and would enjoy showing off their car, I would enjoy seeing it!  

        Rich Ernst
        DMC-12 VIN.....11174

P.S.  I even made a logo for my local school TV show of a Bricklin, so yes, I 
do like their look, I'm not just saying it!  :)

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