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Re: Bad Horns, wheel cleaning, and sill plates::

To: <>
Subject: Re: Bad Horns, wheel cleaning, and sill plates::
From: "alphachi" <>
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 13:14:51 -0400
Of course, you can run a jumper directly to the horns from the batt..  Also
check to make sure you have a good ground.  The relay often fails because of
its location under the washer fluid (another B design wonder).  Also, the
ground wire at the horn button often loses contact.   Both horns going bad
is possible but unlikely.  You can also pick up a horn for $10 and simply
try it.  NAPA has some great extra loud Fiamms that make a big difference.
The relay is a 75 AMC.
Sometime ago I posted some cleaning methods for the wheels.  Here it is once
again.  One word of caution on using steel wool to polish.  Don't!   You may
remove the cast appearance inside the fins.  You can use bronze wool without
risking as much damage and you'll get the same cleaning effect.   Finally,
as posted, rinse the wheel thoroughly with cold water after sudsing up with
any good soap.  The wheel cleaner is acid based and this must be neutralized
completely, especially with aluminum.
Posted July 2000
Ok, here goes:  Any of this is based on my own experience, and I am far from
an expert, and there are many on this list wiser than I.  However, I am an
obsessive person, so when I do need to find something out or find a
resolution I am relentless.
Cleaning Wheels:  I've had good luck with Eagle A-1 wheel cleaner for rough
cast wheels.  Here's how:
1) cool the wheels off with cool water
2) Spray wheels with cleaner and using a brass brush, go to work.  Wear
safety goggles since this is an acid base cleaner.
3) Let rest for 2-3 minutes, then rinse well with lots of cool water
4) If satisfied go to next step, if not repeat 2 and 3
5) Using Dawn liquid with cool water(about 5 squirts in a gallon of water)
and a nylon brush give the wheels a light scrub(this will neutralize the
acid) Let rest for 2-3 minutes, then rinse rinse rinse.  If you fail to do
this step, some acid may stay active as it actually hides in the pores(cast
is porous)
6) After dry, you can spray some stuff like Final Inspection on the wheel
and wipe, this will make the next cleaning MUCH easier.  If you want, you
can paint with poly clear coat (about 5 thin coats)  to protect it even

Sill plates:
Yes, Tanner makes up good replications of the sill plates except they are
black.  I'm sure they could be dyed but the location means they're subject
to scrapes.

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