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one F@#KING thing after another

Subject: one F@#KING thing after another
From: "Ryan Rodgers" <>
Date: Tue, 01 May 2001 18:50:27 -0500
  Ok, I just put all new pistons and all new everything in the engine to 
#2568, got it all back and and it started the first time and ran smooth.  
went to put it in drive to move it onto the rack to finish up the bottom and 
it wouldn't move.  I remembered it lost a lot of transmission fluid from the 
cooler lines so I filled the transmission up and it still won't move.  It is 
actually shifting from drive its just not moving, I think the torque 
converter may have been hit kinda hard putting the engine back in, but if 
the torque converter was not in place the seal would be leaking.  So I'm not 
sure exactly whats wrong but I'll check it out in the morning.  Anyone had 
any problems like this before?  I kinda hope the transmissions junk so I can 
put a better transmission in. FMX's just really don't cut it that much.

                                                     Ryan #2568

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