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Seat and springs

To: Bricklin Mailing List <>
Subject: Seat and springs
From: Ken Thompson <>
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2001 17:27:57 +0000
My Bricklin is 1974. In the owners manual it says that if a person is
sitting in either of the seats, then the seat belt must be fastened in order
for the car to start. I have found the wires that relate to the seat belt
itself but I cannot find anything in the car or in the books that show a
seat sensor- the device that would interrupt the starter circuit if the seat
detected that a person was sitting in the seat. Anybody have a clue?

The secon question is about the rear leaf springs. The aft end of the spring
is attached to the lower shackle bolt with a bolt that goes through the main
leaf and into the cross shackle bolt. There is no eyelet as is normally used
to attach the end of the spring and is also used at the forward attachment
of the spring. Have I got a weirdey or what?  The parts book show a standard
eyelet attachment at both ends of the spring.

# 46

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