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vacuum control valve

To: <>
Subject: vacuum control valve
From: "jlwncw" <>
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2001 10:31:02 -0400
Well,whatever you call the gizmo that controls the headlight operation.I had a
leak which prevented the operation of the headlights which was coming from the
cylinder of the valve where the plunger goes down.I figured I would need a new
one so I made an attempt at a rebuild/cleaning.I had to cut off the plastic
top guard piece and then clamped some needle-nose pliers on the metal shaft
protruding from the top where the plunger slides so as to smooth out the notch
made to keep the plunger in.After it was smoothed out,I removed the metal
washer and the plunger(very carefully with a screwdriver).The plunger was
covered in grime but after cleaning,it looked like new.I sprayed some simple
green in the valve and hosed it out.I spread out the top and bottom of the
plunger a few times to help it expand to the cylinder walls of the valve for a
good seal and sprayed all parts with silicone spray.I reinstalled the plunger
and washer and used diagonal cutters to carefully make another notch on the
shaft to keep the plunger in.I then covered the top of the valve with a 1"
diamater hose and a foam filter to keep the valve clean.If your valve is not
leaking yet,you may want to cover it with a filter so the nasties won't get

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