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To: <>
Subject: FREE CARPET INFO: The lowdown
From: "alphachi" <>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 15:55:53 -0500
Ok, like I said, there's been several responses, so here's the contact info:

Chester and Herod
1924 W. Mission Rd
Unit F
Escondido, CA
1  800 659 9138 toll free
1  619 738 4296 local
Contact: Jim

For some carpet samples and more info,
you can contact at 1 800 407 8665  They have a lot more
carpet than what is on the web and can even get you wool if you like.  The
person to speak to is Jeanne (pronounced genie).

On both of these, just mention me (Stephan) pronounced similarly to stefan,
and our Bricklin to get them on the right page.

Ok, there you have it, the first guy to get there with an unfettered
Bricklin and is willing to give up a good afternoon to let Jim take the
seats out and stuff, measure for the pattern, and install your carpet gets
it gratis.  Jim, Salesco, and myself are picking up the tab.   I have NO
connection with any of these guys and am going by pics that Todd has emailed
me showing an A-1 install, fit, and finish, that IMHO, is far superior to
anything available to us to date and with a greater selection of materials.
The normal price is very competitive and depends greatly on the materials
selected.  My offer is for the first standard install and materials (sorry
guys, no English wool!).  If you want anything above that, including mats or
whatever, you'll have to pick up the difference.  But standard means a very
good grade of carpet, padding, all edges finished, and even the special
grommet around the headlight dimmer and the complete install, front and
rear.   Just get a hold of these people, set up an appt, get there, and when
Jim and Salesco call and say the first job is done and he has a complete
pattern, the bill will be paid immediately and you can go home.  We are not
talking reimbursement, but zero out of pocket.    Enjoy it!  A few, about
four I think, have responded directly to me and as to not play favors, I am
posting this publicly first so everyone has an equal opportunity to get this

stephan "bare-floored" #2821

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