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manual conversion

To: "bricklin" <>
Subject: manual conversion
From: "High Tech Coatings" <>
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 18:43:08 -0500
I have read on the list that several have put T-5 5 speeds in their brick. I
have a t56 6 speed that I plan on using. I 'found' a clutch pedal setup from
a 79-90 Mustang, that uses a cable to operate the clutch, The T-5 and T-56
are both set up for cable operated clutches. The problem I now face is
fitting the pedal set. The clutch cable quadrant interferes (big time) with
the ac connections, so much so that the pedal set wont fit in even with the
quadrant removed. did you guys just dump and forget about your ac or did you
find an easy work around? I would prefer to keep my ac but am not all that
opposed to using a different system, or moving the stock one around a bit. I
just don't want to have to 're-engineer the wheel' if it has already been
done. I'm not opposed to doing 'cut and paste' as this car is far from
gennie and is a rescued parts car, hell the only gennie parts I can think of
on this car are the frame and birdcage. The interior was trashed, the body
destroyed the engine barely runs and kills mosquitoes in a 2 mile radius
when it does. I already have way way too much coin tied up in this car,
using the term loosely as it is more accurately a collection of parts, so I
would like to reuse as many parts as I can that are already there.
Thanks, Rick

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