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To: "" <>
Subject: Warning!
From: Les Huckins <>
Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2004 08:25:42 -0800
Once again I warn you, do not respond to any request from what appears
to be a genuine eBay query asking anything that includes your password.
The latest two I received are awesome, they make the early efforts look
pretty crude by comparison.  Do not respond to anyone, anywhere that
asks for your password unless you initiated the request.  First of the
two latest is all about 128 bit encryption and how safe your response
is...(total fraud)  Second one (today) is masterful leading you to get
into your account by pushing their "billing" button which is nestled
right in with the regular eBay items.  If you have a question, go into
eBay, log in and check it out...DO NOT RESPOND to any  message
purportedly from eBay (or PayPal) asking you for information, they
repeatedly tell you that they will not ask for sensitive information.
Pay attention, there are some really clever sharks out there.


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