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To: "jon" <jonaxt@pacifier.com>, <buick-rover-v8@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: SPAM
From: "Larry" <larrym@quixnet.net>
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 16:17:40 -0500
It is possible. However, I think that the more likely answer, unless you do
no browsing what so ever, is spyware that you have acquired. Some sites want
to know who visits them so badly, that along with the cookie that IDs us
when/if we come back, they install a small program that tracks your every
move and reports in to "mama" your habits along with e-mail address (most
times just yours but sometimes every e-mail address that it can find). These
lists are definitely sold to anyone that will fork over the money. Porn
sites are among the worst offenders, but others do it too. If you are listed
as webmaster on a site somewhere, like I am, you end up with a lot more
"junk mail". As an aside, SPAM has been re-defined. An unwanted e-mail is
SPAM (as I now understand it) only if  1. It is mailed to multiple addresses
without prior consent. AND 2. There is not a way of contacting the sender
and removing your self from their list. Unfortunately, the "Remove" link,
address whatever, does not have to actually work, just exist.

----- Original Message -----
From: "jon" <jonaxt@pacifier.com>
To: <buick-rover-v8@autox.team.net>
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 1:29 PM
Subject: SPAM

I am receiving junk mail at  increasing  frequency, some of it from England;
lose weight, refinance loans, etc. Is it possible that someone on this list
is selling email addresses? Jon

///  buick-rover-v8@autox.team.net mailing list

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