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Steering Shaft removal & Frame bolt

Subject: Steering Shaft removal & Frame bolt
From: John Wightman <>
Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2002 23:53:02 -0700
Hi all,

Finally got around to starting dismantle the roadster for its rebirth..
Interior is out, windsheild, bumpers and trim are off, and I removed all but
two of the frame bolts - herein lies one of my problems. One of the frame
bolts in front of the radiator support turns, but doesn't come out. I'm
afraid the welded nut inside the frame has broken loose - has this happened
to anyone else? Is there anything I can do to remove the bolt other than
drilling it out? I'm afraid to try the other one now in case it breaks
too... :-(

Second question - how do you remove the steering shaft from the u-joint at
the steering box? Yes, I've completely removed the bolt, and have soaked it
in WD-40.


John Wightman
'66 1600
Victoria, BC

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