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RE: Theft Protection

To: "'Richard Hugi'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Theft Protection
From: "Daniel Neuman" <>
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 10:11:57 -0700
That sucks about your Chevy.  Hope  your insurance covers it.  Why get rid
of the roadsters because the Chevy was stolen?
        Daniel Neuman
        Oakland CA

$As some of you already know I'm selling my two of my roadsters on ebay
$because my fully restored 68 3/4 ton Chevy 4 x 4 (very rare) was stolen
$month.  They also tried to steel my 68 cougar vintage trans am racing
$replica but were unsuccessful.  I attribute that to the battery being
$mounted in the trunk grounded to the frame with a battery kill switch
$mounted behind it.  They couldn't figure that out.  Thank God they didn't
$get that one, I have invested a small fortune in that car.  This has open
$eyes and made me realize that this method is pretty good, and will detour
$most thieves.

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