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Re: Questions about windshield wipers and brakes

Subject: Re: Questions about windshield wipers and brakes
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 23:14:59 EST
early 510 shoes work, although I understand they are getting hard to find  
In a message dated 2/9/2006 6:20:41 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

My '66  just passed its annual state-required inspection today. The inspector 
said  he let me slide on the condition of my windshield wiper blades, but  
probably won't next year. Can anyone tell me where I can get the short  
blades a low windshield Roadster uses? Also, I'm concerned about my rear  
brake shoes. The inspector measured them at 4/32 inch. Is that low? Or do  I 
have a few years left on them? I drive my car 2,000 miles per year max.  If I 
need brake shoes, where can I get them? I've heard Volvo shoes fit,  but what 
make of Volvo? Thanks for any help you can give.

Michael  Knorr
1966 SPL311-3639

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