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Re: Steering Question

Subject: Re: Steering Question
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 13:51:03 EDT
In a message dated 4/30/99 4:52:16 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 Jack Drews noticed that my tie rod levers seemed too long, the tie rod ends
 seemed to be angled towards the front of the car at a significantly greater
 angle than the ones on his car. Last night, I looked at the Bentley for 4's
 and 4A's, and found that the TR4 tie rod lever was approximately 5.6" long,
 while the TR4A tie rod lever was 7.18" long. 
 Jack's theory is that Triumph may have wanted to slow down the steering on
 the 4A's, perhaps due to possible complaints of twitchiness on the earlier
 cars? As I prepare the car for its first real return to the track in 14
 years, is there an advantage to one of these tie rod levers versus the
 other? All opinions, thoughts, theories, graciously accepted.
<snip> The longer arms went with the other suspension changes
where the caster went from 0 to 3 deg, and the positive camber
was reduced.  I also believe that the factory had discovered
bump steer.  I went to the longer steering arms to cure the
bump steer problem on my race car, and it did wonders.
I had to use a smaller steering wheel, but I suggest
using the later items.


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