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An old friend revisited...

Subject: An old friend revisited...
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 21:14:53 EDT
Fellow keepers of the faith-

It was a "Tim Taylor" kind of weekend. (Fill in your best more power grunt 
here...). The lake was "awash" with the sound of unmuffled big blocks 
straining to pull prop blades thru the viscous waters. RPM's resonating thru 
the valley in cadence with the skipping of the craft from wave to wave. And 
overhead our local P51 Mustang pilot straffed the imaginary hordes that dwell 
in the dell next to my house. (I don't wanna say that he was making a full 
power low level pass, but he really should have that molar checked as the 
cavity is getting noticeable !)
To do my part for the weekend, I actually dug the TVR out of the dark 
recesses of the shop and took it for a spin. We are talkin grin factor here.

The majority of the weekend I spent with "an old friend." 22 years ago I 
stuck my then current SCCA  TR motor in the corner and figured I would NEVER 
so much as look at again. Funny how things change. As I pulled it down, it 
was eerie just thinking that this motor had been sitting there all this time, 
and now the same hands were touching parts of it not seen for lo these many 
years. In actuality, the motor was in great shape. In fact if I had known how 
good it was inside I wouldn't have taken it apart! (I guess running a 
dehumidifier all these years has helped.)  Not only are the bores good 
(crosshatch still apparent), the bearings looked perfect and the pan gasket 
cement was still sticky. For once it appears that something has gone right on 
the Duke of Oil, wait, this part didn't come from the Duke...maybe that's a 

Oh well, had a great weekend, hope everyone else had similar positive vibes...
        Nick of Nor Cal

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