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Re: Lime Rock

Subject: Re: Lime Rock
From: Mark J Bradakis <>
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2000 21:39:44 -0600 (MDT)
    Turnout was about half of what it was compared to the previous week with
    only 18 cars making the grid

Wow!  How do folks back East handle such massive crowds?  This upcoming
weekend I'll be heading out to Wendover for an Intermountain Vintage Racing
event at the old airfield.  If we get lucky, real lucky, we may have half a
dozen cars in the production group, and maybe 4 Formula Fords in their own
run group.  We shall see.

Before you make the move to the Webers, while the fuel pump may be giving you
decent pressure readings, is it providing sufficient volume at higher revs?


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