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RE: Drag Racing Triumphs?

Subject: RE: Drag Racing Triumphs?
From: <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 03:41:16 +0000
>Subject: Drag Racing Triumphs?
>Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 18:42:14 EST
>  I've been wondering what kind of times the current vintage-race TR's 
>run.  Anyone have a story to tell?
>Years ago, there was a genuine 1/4mile dragstrip not too far from my home,
>and every once in a while I would take my TR4A there for "testing".  I 
>save the time slips, but I think the best I ever did was around 15.6 
>seconds at
>85-88 mph.  At the time, my car was still streetable, barely.

    `Not personally but I did witness the following not too far from your 
home... Remember Vargo
     Drag-O-Way in Perkasie?

    Back in `65 or 66 I watched The Glenside Triumph TR4A get a hole shot on 
a bucket T Injected
    Vette A gasser... The TR was still pulling away when the A gasser 
spectacularly blew... I think the
    driver of the TR was probably surprised... but not nearly as much as the 
driver of the A gasser.

    The "Glenside TR4" was proported to be "bone stock" but notoriously 
quick... Beating Vettes
    was something it did on a regular basis.

    Greg Petrolati

Greg Petrolati Champaign, Illinois

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