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Re: [Healeys] indicator lights blink too fast

To: Alan Seigrist <healey.nut@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Healeys] indicator lights blink too fast
From: John Harper <ah@jharper.demon.co.uk>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 08:19:20 +0000

The only problem with this is that with many modern units there is no 
provision for identifying a bulb (lamp) failure. Could be a little 
dangerous if you thought that you had indicated correctly but another 
driver had not seen anything.


>Use a modern flasher unit and you won't have this problem.  You can
>swap out the Lucas guts out of the Lucas can with the modern guts if
>you want it to look original.
>On 10/30/07, John Rowe <jarowe@westnet.com.au> wrote:
>> Hi Guys
>> Lucas has finally struck 7 years after the restoration.
>> The indicators on the LHS blink too fast. Both front and rear lights work
>> but
>> blink rapidly compared to the RHS.
>> I understood that if the indicators blinked too fast it meant that the load
>> was down and typically a bulb was out.
>> On inspection I noticed that the Lucas flasher unit was rated at 42watt yet
>> the only bulbs we can buy are 32 watt. Can you buy 42 watt bulbs in US?
>> Any help would be appreciated as I have only a week to go to finish
>> preparing
>> the car before departure to The Classic Adelaide Rally.
>> regards from west oz
>> John Rowe
>> 1959 3000 BT7

John Harper


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