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Oh What A Day

Subject: Oh What A Day
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 04:39:27 EDT
Sometimes, you just wanna scream.....

Have you ever had one of those days where you wish you had stayed in bed or 
could turn the clock back (or even better turn it ahead by a week).  My 
brother and I had planned to take a few of our cars up to his job for a 
couple of days until after the city inspectors had been by.  Spent the last 
two days, ALL of today getting them ready, he took $300 out of the bank 
(which was supposed to be his car payment) and finished up a couple of things 
until the truck got here.  Everything was going fine, I decided to leave my 
Toyota street racer here for now and hopped in the car with my mother to go 
pick my brother up after the tow guys and him made the last drop off.  When 
we get to his job, what do we see?  Six Bell police cars, two of their tow 
rigs, and a small crowd.  A supervisor at the place (who no one at the place 
likes and I soon found out why) had been trying to find a way to really get 
to Mark (my brother) and saw his opportunity.  The police were going through 
all of our cars and called for a total of five tow rigs.  The officer in 
charge said that he would allow us to remove the vehicles if it was ok with 
the super.  The Super said it was out of his hands and that the police were 
the ones who wanted the cars and it was up to them. The officer in charge 
told the Super point blank, that this was his call and as far as he was 
concerned, we could take them.  So what does this #@$*% say?  Impound the dam 
things, then they won't have a storage problem!!!  The officer said he'd 
rather not do this but had to.  So tomorrow morning we have to go retrieve a 
68 Charger, 73 Duster and two 74 Darts, all which had various 
modifications/upgrades/enhancements done to them (did I mention that the tow 
guys had already been paid?).  The worse part is the officer said that he 
thinks that Bell charges somewhere between $100 to $200 per car at the 
impound (the city operates the impound) but he wasn't sure.  It's now 1:30 
am, I've been home 45 minutes, and I have to get up at 3:30.  I'm used to 
long hours but outside of that, can the day (or as of now, this day) get much 
worse??  Oh well, off for a short nap, maybe I'll hit the lotto tonight (yeah 

        Mike in L.A. (feeling poor, broke and disgusted for the moment)

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