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RE: Jack Mendenhall & Gas ups, Bill Burke

To: "'Doug Anderson'" <>,
Subject: RE: Jack Mendenhall & Gas ups, Bill Burke
From: "Clay, Dale" <>
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2002 07:08:09 -0700
                Dinner with the gods ... kewl

                Dale C.
                Thank you Tom  -thats great news.  Yes I too admire Bill and
his outlook on 
                life. I've been honored to have had dinner with him twice;
once in 1990 and 
                again in 1998 when I hung around his and son Steve's pit
helpin' out a lil' 
                bit.  Whilst we were dining in '98, Al Teague slid in next
to me to chat 
                with Bill. Al was bummmed about his new record in
B/streamliner -set that 
                day, while breaking an old Markley Bros. record, was not by
a very large 
                margin....  Bill,-and I both told Al that a record is a
record and that he 
                should be proud of his achievement.  Of course being the
                racer,that did'nt change his point of view one bit...  Al's
a super guy in 
                my book as well.  And I don''t think I'll get an argument
on that one. Bill 
                also fixed me up with a 200 MPH club dinner ticket in '89 as
well. A super 
                guy. A gentleman. One of my heroes.  And I don't have many.

                Well,maybe I do; I do "pay attention" in life and "keep
score" of the GOOD 
                guys.  Unfortunately though, they're far outnumbered by the
-well let's just 
                say they're outnumbered and leave it at that...

                         "Dirt Track Doug" Anderson ,in exile, in NeuYaWK

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