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RE: Rick and Seth....

To: "Keith Turk" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Rick and Seth....
From: "Russel Mack" <>
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2003 12:42:04 -0500
Jon, Keith, Sparky, List:
what an incredible new record for Neb-II.  Add my congratulations to Jack
and Rick!!  When I was praising Lingua's new 290+ record in that class a
year ago, Rick acted like he thought it was "soft".  (Much as I respect
Rick's opinions, I was astonished.) WELL, I GUESS HE PROVED THAT HE WAS
RIGHT!  Ye will know them by their timeslips!!

Lets see- 313 mph from a 61cubic inch engine-- that's about 5mph per cubic
inch.  Suggests that a BBC should potentially run about 3,000mph-- right?

Congrats also to Seth for the 304 in the Hammond Lakester.  My best wishes
for his speedy recovery-- he's a really nice, friendly guy.  Not at all
aloof, despite his many accomplishments.  Good to know that he wasn't
seriously hurt.  Man, I hope the old lakester is not damaged too badly-- it
is a major favorite of mine.

Congratulations also to the others who have done so well this meet--
including the #&!!!** Westech guys who kicked the record up another MPH in
my class!

Good reporting, Jonathan.  Thanks.
Russ, #1226B

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Keith Turk
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 10:45 PM
Subject: Rick and Seth....

Wow... congradulations Rick.... wonderful stuff....

also tickled to see Seth get in the 3 club.... bummer he wrecked the car....
Jon.... how's Seth doing today.... I appreciate your reports... made me feel

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