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Rule Book

To: "" <>
Subject: Rule Book
From: "Glen Barrett" <>
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2003 08:25:35 -0800
As I recall the MC people have a meeting at speedweek to discuss any MC rule
changes for the coming year. The car guys have a rules meeting in November to
take any suggestions that are submitted on the proper form and look them over
for the possable changes.

This takes a little research and time to do. In a lot of cases it's the
wording that is changed to clarify the rule. In other cases a whole new rule
may be added for safety or class additions etc. This is a time consumming task
as a draft has to be done and taken before the SCTA/BNI boards for approval or
re wording.

When  someone wants a change it has to be submitted on the proper form that is
availble at the registration trailer or through the SCTA office.  Letters &
Petitions do not work. A letter written to the rules committee can open thhe
door for research but to get it into the system the form is the offical
document to request changes.

In many cases a committee is put together to research a rule or safety
concern. The same goes for the operation of the meets. We are volunteers that
spend a lot of time away from or families to assure you have a up to date rule
book,  and a well run meet. Most of us go to 3 or more meeting a month plus
any specials that come up because of and incident etc.

We want what is best for the racer, we also want the racer to be fair with us.
As with any orginazation the leader ship changes and the thoughts of those
people must be considered. We have Bylaws and operating procedures we must
follow. We also understand we are not perfect and make errors.

For the people that live out of the Los Angeles area we also understand how
difficult it is for you as you can't be involved at the meetings. Thats why we
have forms, phone numbers and e-mail so we can help direct you through the
proper channels.

We do our best and will continue to do so but the racers have to be
fair with us as well. The bottom line is to put it in writing for
information and on the proper form for rule changes. 3rd party
information always has faults or other loss of the facts.

I don't know of one person on the boards or committees that won't go out of
their way to help in these situations. A simple phone call or e-mail can start
the ball rolling, and they will direct it to the persons that need to know.
Just remember we have a tight time frame to compile the data, draft the
changes and get board approval, sell the ads and get it to the printer with
all of the record changes.

I hope this helps to clarify our side.


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