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RE: Gear Ratio Formula?

To: "Mike Meierle" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Gear Ratio Formula?
From: "Albaugh, Neil" <>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 15:04:29 -0600

If you or anyone else uses MathCad, I have a file that will plot speed
vs RPM for any tire size or gear ratio. I'll be glad to share it with
anyone who lets me know that they'd like to have a copy.

Regards, Neil    Tucson, AZ

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Mike Meierle
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 11:15 AM
Subject: Gear Ratio Formula?

I have the standard formula below.....

mph = rpm x tire diameter / differential gear ratio x 336
76.468 = 4000 X 27.106 /4.22 X 336

Can I simply add on to this formula for calculating speed in specific
of the transmission by doing the following:

mph = rpm x tire diameter / differential gear ratio x 336/transmission

20.556 = 4000 X 27.106 / 4.22 X 336/3.72<- First Gear
34.758 = 4000 X 27.106 / 4.22 X 336/2.2<- Second Gear
50.979 = 4000 X 27.106 / 4.22 X 336/1.5<- Third Gear
76.468 = 4000 X 27.106 / 4.22 X 336/1.0<- Fourth Gear
96.795 = 4000 X 27.106 / 4.22 X 336/0.79<- Fifth Gear

Or do I need a Math refresher?  Mayf you out there?

Oh yeah, I'm building a Speed Table in Excel which incorporates the Tire
Diameter Calculator
slap in the basics, P205R75/15, and you get your speed at RPM and Gear.

Mike Meierle
36 Technology Drive
Suite #110
Irvine, CA 932647
Phone: (949) 450-9160 X8031

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