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Subject: rooms
From: john robinson <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 08:39:57 -0500
John Romero
Thousand Oaks, CA
call me, I got a couple of rooms and due to the marriage of my only 
daughter, who has visions of me renting a stadium for the reception, and 
killing whole herds of beef for the food, I am unable to afford the Salt 
this year.

love you girl, drive careful

           John Robinson, Mechanician
   Mechanical Engineering University of Wisconsin
                 1513 University Ave.
                  Madison, Wi. 53706
            Current World Land Speed Record Holder
                  Bonneville Salt Flats
           H/GCC 92 1980 Dodge Colt
                  144.396 MPH set 2000
       MPS-PG 441 c.c. 1967 BSA Victor Motorcycle
                     95.193 MPH set 2001
                 Antarctic Ice Driller Oct02-Jan03

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