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Re: We're outa here!

To: Jon Wennerberg <>,
Subject: Re: We're outa here!
From: Dick J <>
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2005 10:36:51 -0700 (PDT)
You've covered most everything, but.... DON'T FORGET THE BIKE!
Have good, safe fun,
Dick J
In East Texas

Jon Wennerberg <> wrote:
That's it -- I've packed the truck and trailer with all the stuff I can 
find around the office and warehouse. I've aired up the tires, lubed 
the ball on the trailer hitch, made sure I've got plenty of tie-downs, 
charged up the jump box, even remembered to pack the leathers and the 
helmets and our SpeedWeek '05 buttons already on our hats.

The 'fridge is full of road food, there's spare fuel in the jug, the 
credit card is all paid up, I've got a map and our log books and...
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