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Re: Certificate of Performance.

To: "Freiburger, David" <>,
Subject: Re: Certificate of Performance.
From: "Ed Van Scoy" <>
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2006 17:59:17 +0000
Yeah, I grew up in the South also and kinda cringed when youput Turk's quote
in big letters in the Hot Rod article........ I doubtif anybody under 50 knows
what it means or you would have heardabout it.........
Ed (but ya still gotta be careful about quoting KT )

Curious. Here it is from the online dictionary of etymology. News to me.

nappy (adj.) "downy," 1499, from nap (n.). Meaning "fuzzy, kinky," used in
colloquial or
derogatory ref. to the hair of black people, is from 1950.

> ----------
> From: drmayf
> Reply To: drmayf
> Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2006 9:56 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Certificate of Performance.
> Sorry guys, but there is one term in this that I, as well as others,
> consider as racist terminology. And that is the use of the word "nappy".
> I grew up in the south and I know what the word means to me. So let's
> quit using it , ok?
> But other than that, really good certificate, just change "nappy" to
> "sorry".
> mayf, the rednecked ignorant desert rat engineer in pahrump
> :

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