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Re: Fwd: F1 engine meltdown...

Subject: Re: Fwd: F1 engine meltdown...
From: john robinson <>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 15:44:17 -0500
Howdy, here at the University of Wisconsin mechanical engineering one of 
the research labs here is running a dual overhead cam single cylinder 
engine with a hydraulic dynamometer. The computer driving the engine dyno 
is programmed to play "On Wisconsin" and can play other tunes.

           John Robinson, Mechanician
   Mechanical Engineering University of Wisconsin
                 1513 University Ave.
                  Madison, Wi. 53706
            Current World Land Speed Record Holder
                  Bonneville Salt Flats
           H/GCC 92 1980 Dodge Colt
                  144.396 MPH set 2000
                 Antarctic Ice Driller 2002-03
                 Greenland Ice Driller 2006 

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