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Flatfire blow-over

To: land speed <>
Subject: Flatfire blow-over
From: dan warner <>
Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2007 10:53:13 -0800 (PST)
  The way I remember it is like this;
  Ron had his car setup as a Lakester and Streamliner. The front wheels could 
be swapped out for a straight axle in order to swap classes. This was the first 
body, the rear wheels were uncovered.
  When the axle was installed there was a plate which was placed in the belly 
pan to fill the hole where the front wheels were. It is my understanding that 
this plate was left out on the run.
  As Bobby Walden was gaining speed the under body filled with air and lifted 
the front end off the ground. The resulting crash rendered the car unusable for 
the rest of the week.
  Rich Manchan and Jim Miller lenghtened the chassis, redid the front 
suspension to place the tires in line and several other mods. A new body was 
built in a style that dictated the car would remain forever a streamliner.
  This result of this incident is not whether the bottom of the car was round 
or flat, just poor maintenace.
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