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Re: Fwd: Frank Churchill

To:, (murray arundell),
Subject: Re: Fwd: Frank Churchill
From: Leckstein <>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 19:01:32 -0400
At 06:56 PM 08/24/1999 -0400, Leckstein wrote:
>At 06:07 PM 08/24/1999 EDT, wrote:
>>This very, very sad news just in.....Frank was number 2 in the NEMGTR and 
>>started it with Dick Knudsen all those years ago....A lovely man.  We
>>last year at Watkins Glen....
>>Another MG stalwart gone...
>Bad news travels fast. I was called by Hank Rippert about 3pm EST . He had
>just heard.
>Frank was on the way to the airport in Middlebury Vermont to pick up a
>NEMGTR member. Frank was driving his TD when he was killed in a Stop sign
>accident.  This was the same car that appeared in Safety Fast in 1964 which
>prompted Dick Knudson to write to Frank and which resulted in the formation
>by the two of the New England MGT Register.
>Dick of course is well known by many, but Frank was less visible. However
>Frank was the soul of the Register. He was never controversial. He was
>involved all his life in civic and charitable endeavors, and a very
>important member in the Masons and Shriners. 
>I had known him for twenty years, and if there is a one line description of
>a person, his would be the "kindest person I ever met. "
>The call from Hank has both Barbara and me devastated. 
>I know most on this list didn't know Frank, but many did. A light went out
>today in the MG World.

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