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Re: Drive the New Year In

Subject: Re: Drive the New Year In
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2000 15:37:10 EST
This was my thought exactly and it made for a memorable new year.  
Temperatures in Michigan were quite cooperative as well, but I'm 
uncomfortable with winter days above 32.  The weekend before New Years Day, 
it was a pleasant 15 degrees.  I had purposely left the TD un-mothballed for 
just this occassion.  Clear and sunny and "brisk," one of my sons and I took 
the battery charger and a can of ether to the barn to fire old Morris up.  
Didn't need either!  The fuel pump needed some coaxing, but once the 
diaphragm got back a little flexibility, we were off for about four hours of 
great motoring.  

A tip for others who may want to try year-round northern motoring in a 
T-type:  think ski wear.  better yet, think snowmobile-wear.  I've found 
goose down booties, insulated ski bibs, long johns and a "Elmer Fudd earmuff 
hat" to work well in lieu of a heater.  If you really have doubts, put up the 
hood and side curtains!

The best New Year to everyone!

John Deikis
'53 MGTD
'63 TR3B
'66 VW Beetle
'68 M.G. Midget Vintage Racer

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