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RE: Coolant

To: "'MG Net'" <>
Subject: RE: Coolant
From: "Gene Gillam" <>
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 19:55:42 -0600
Gene Fodor asked:
>Listers - has anyone ever heard or used Evans Cooling System.?<


Received this from a friend through another net a week or so ago:
Hi all,

Just to let you all know about something I was told of that you may be
interested in putting in the cooling system of the T's.  It is called
Evans NPG+.  It is non-poisonous due to its having an additive that
prevents the body from metabolizing the glycol, and has a
non-pressurized boiling point of over 350 degrees (F).  Heat transfer is
superior to that of water/antifreeze or even water +wetter. The cost is
high at about $22.50 (USD) per gallon, and you DO NOT MIX IT WITH WATER.
I tried it in my Sunbeam Tiger a couple of months ago, because it
eliminates cavitations and hot spot vaporization.   And this car had
both, thanks to the under-developed cooling system (the problem in this
car is that the air- once it flows through the radiator matrix- has no
place to go, and the water pump adds to the fun by cavitating and
causing bubbles in the coolant, where it flash-boils.   ALSO, the
radiator is lower then the top of the engine.  Wow, what a job...
Many is the time that I have seen the temp gauge shoot past 240 (20#
cap) like it was not even there, while I was stuck at a light in
traffic! The car now runs no hotter than 200 F at stops.  Amazing! Why
use it in a car so over cooled as a T? First, it won't kill your dog.
Second, it does not electrolysis the cooling system causing corrosion of
metal.  (It makes the rubber last longer, too.)  Third, it lasts 500,000
miles.  And fourth, it eliminates hot spots which can cause pinking
(detonation). Works good, lasts a long time.  If you have a blower,
don't wait!


PS- go to for more info.   No dog in this hunt, and
usual disclaimers apply.

I wrote back to him and asked if it was really that good - and he
confirmed it was.  I might order some as a Christmas present for my TC.

Gene Gillam


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