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Over-rich SU's -Reply

Subject: Over-rich SU's -Reply
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 13:24:58 -0400
Gad, it would seem that I am the PCV nut this week, but if his engine
breather system is not working well, it is possible that too much oil
could be drawn into the intake, resulting in black crud and
misfiring...see the PCV file in the archieves, and good luck to him. 

||Randy Lancaster               | Tel:202-482-4487        ||
||National Telecommunications   | Fax:202-482-4396        ||
||and Information Administration| ||
||Department of Commerce, USA   | 1967 MGB # 128,471      ||
||Heaven: home brew, driving an MG, but remember...its not||
||a leak, its a British flow through lubrication system!  ||
(8.6.10/8.6.6) id KAA18586 for mgs-outgoing; Mon, 28 Aug 1995
10:34:41 -0400
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Reply-To: (Allan R. Hovis)

Folks, just ran into a fellow MGBer (recently rebuilt engine, 1970)
at the store who is having a problem with his carbs. He purchased a
set of HS-4's
(rebuilt) from moss and can't seem to get them adjusted properly. He
has had several of the local "experts" set them up and it seems to
idle OK and run alright but has lots of black deposits on the
tailpipe and plugs to the point of misfiring after a week or so of
driving. Could this be due to an incorrect needle or fuel pump
problems? He has no network access to I said
I would post and see what happened. Thanks in advance.

Allan Hovis
72 B


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