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Re: Oilless air compressors

To: "W. R. Gibbons" <>
Subject: Re: Oilless air compressors
From: James R Ferguson <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 96 09:41:50 -0500 (EST)
At 05:10 PM 1/17/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Lately, many of the compressors I've seen seem far smaller than the ones 
>I grew up with, and I've seen these called "oilless design" or something 
>like that.  Usually, the compressor is covered by a plastic guard, so I 
>can't even see what the outside looks like.  It seems strange to see a 
>big tank with a little tiny compressor perched on top.

All Oilless compressors Ive worked with are a piston design with Teflon rings
and sealed bearings.  No oil anywhere.  Maintenance is required more often
by keeping the filters clean and when compression is lost, replace the
rings.  Replacing the rings is no big deal since the cylender is removeable
from the crankshaft housing, usually with 4 bolts.  The rings are easy to
break, but the replacement isn't hard.  Name brands (Gast, B & G, etc.) are
best and parts are available.  

The diapharam type compressor are of low volume and I don't like them.

I have a two stage Bell & Gosset with 3/4 hp motor and a single stage two
cylinder Gast.  A 1.5 hp, 4 cyl. model is available.  I also have a 1/3 hp B
& G converted to a vaccum pump. ( just turn over the valve plates and a
different excentric)

They are not for high volume work.  But, they give clean but not dry air.

Jim Ferguson

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