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Re: Car won't start

Subject: Re: Car won't start
From: "David E. Brown" <>
Date: Tue, 02 Apr 1996 20:33:06 +0000
Thanks for the help!  I have the early lucas electronic ignition in 
my midget, hence, the info about points opening and closing etc, 
does not directly apply.  I think for the sake of troubleshooting, I 
would be better off with a point ignition!  The manual's advice is 
similar, but offers no troubleshooting guide with the electronic 
distributor.  Go Figure! I have both the Haynes and "MG 1500"(BL) 
service manuals.  I got frustrated with the inability to test things 
thoroughly, and went out and bought a coil and ballast resistor, but 
still no spark (at the coil lead). sigh...

Dave wrote:
>      Dave this 'should' be simple! First, check the low tension (LT) side.
>      Check that with the points closed, you have a good connection from the
>      other side of the coil (the side that connects to the points) to
>      ground. Then check that with the the points open, you don't have any
>      sort of connection. If this is OK, then I would instantly suspect the
>      condenser (capacitor) on the points. This could be shorting when the
>      points open (there should be approx. 300 volts on the low-tension side
>      of the coil at ths time)
>      If all these check out, then you must have a problem on the HT side --
>      just as you would look for a spark from from a plug, pull the
>      king-lead out of the distributor and see if you get a spark on
>      cranking. If you do have a spark then replace HT leads, distributor
>      cap, etc.
>      If not have a spark, but the LT side is OK, then suspect the coil.

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