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Horn Sucking

Subject: Horn Sucking
From: (Rick Feibusch)
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 10:30:29 -0800 (PST)
Boy do we have fun on the British Pre-War list!   For example:

>Thought you might be interested in the early Soviet auto technology.  Kinda
>brings new meaning to "Windtone"...  sf
>Dear Dr. Science,
>If I put my car battery in backwards, will the horn suck?
>Bill Wells, Charlotte, NC
>Yes, and it could very well be a viable form of propulsion, albeit a noisy
>one. The Soviet Scientist Sergei Maschinovskii, called the "Father of the
>Russian Truck" devised a large vehicle that gulped air into a funnel
>mounted on the hood, and expelled it noisily out the rear. He called it the
>Great Flatulator, and hundreds of thousands were manufactured and sold
>behind the iron curtain. You could hear one coming a mile away, which
>inadvertently contributed to its high safety rating. No one ever failed to
>know when a Flatulator was near.
>Stan Fickes        Nothing is more rewarding than to watch
>Software Engineer  someone who says it can't be done get
>I-Cube, Inc.       interrupted by someone actually doing it.

See you on the Funway! - Rick Feibusch - Venice, CA

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