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SU Needles

Subject: SU Needles
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 10:41:23 EST
<<If you tell the program what needle you are running, it will
tell you the diameter at various stations along the needle.  If you have
a midrange stumble, you may want to pick a needle with a thinner middle
(we all want a thinner middle, don't we?) while keeping the top and
bottom the same. Change the numbers and Haystack will find the needle
number that most closely matches what you need (or think you need). 
Even if you don't replace your MG's needles the program is a lot of fun.>>

A nice little program, Bill, but if it restricted itself to needles that you
actually had a hope of finding, the program would be much smaller!
I guess it will help the guys with a watch lathe and a lot of spare time,

Bill S.

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