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Re: MGB Jack Points

Subject: Re: MGB Jack Points
From: Eric Erickson <>
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 22:16:22 +0000
I currently couldn't use the jacking point on the righthand side of my
car now anyway.  (Note... we drive on the left hand side of the road in
Australia - please convert the following to your local standard :-)

The other day I was turning right across three lanes and through a break
in a median strip (I was moving at a decent speed to avoid three lanes
of oncoming traffic but safely enough to be able to turn OK) when I see
this guy in the far lane on the side of the road I was heading for
changing straight at me across the three lanes -  like I was invisible.

I put the foot down and turned a little tighter than I should have done,
jumped the median strip with the right front wheel landing the bodywork
rather heavily on the end of the rather high median strip kerb - right
on the jacking point.  Going any slower and I might have ended up stuck
there but my momentum slid me off the kerb.  The guy now sees me and
swerves around me, cursing.

You can imagine (especially with one's seat so close to the ground) the
impact right under me seemed horrendously savage I was dreaded what I
would find when I pulled over, but there seemed to be little damage,
save for a crushed jacking point!!  Maybe this little extra bit of
strengthening is useful after all.  No jamming or out-of-alignment door
or other problems since then, so I assume this is what the damage was
limited to.

I wonder what the sill would have looked like without this extra

68 'MGB MkII
(scissor jack in the boot)

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