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RE: welding cast and Z-S carb?

Subject: RE: welding cast and Z-S carb?
From: Eugene Harrison <>
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 09:10:53 -0700
 Thanks for all the replies re. welding cast iron and the Z-S carb
      I have found a shop that will repair the manifold. It appears they

have a technique that involves preheating to 600deg., gas welding with a

special type of rod, then burying it in ashes for a slow cool down. The
shop is "Black Bart Welding"  in Nevada City, CA. The guy who does the
cast iron welding comes out of retirement two days a week just to do the
cast iron work.
      The shop pointed out another area on the manifold that was showing
signs of
deterioration so, I may need another manifold anyway. I hope it will
last until smog checks are no longer required at which time i'll switch
to headers and new carbs.
       One of the  respondents told me about the needle "O" ring but
stated that the adjusting screw was held in by a star washer, and when
you remove the washer, it scratches the tube on the way out. These
scratches will destroy the new "O" ring and so the leak remains.
      Do anyone  know of a way to remove the star washer without causing

      Thanks again

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