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Re: Bleeding the Clutch Line

Subject: Re: Bleeding the Clutch Line
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2000 20:42:22 EST (Rick Roberts) said in his email to the group:

<The clutch pedal goes to the floor without working the clutch on a 75B I'm 
looking into.  Any pointers?

Feels like its lack of hydraulics.>

Rick, I noticed the same problem a couple of days ago. I jacked up the back 
of my 79' MGB last week for a little work on the fuel pump. When I let the 
car down I noticed the fluid from the clutch master cylinder had all leaked 
out on the driveway. Strange !! Anyway, I filled the reservoir again but 
still no clutch action. I assume the lines need to be bled of air. But what 
on earth would make this happen? Is there some kind of overflow or is 
possibly some drain plug missing on the transmission? I don't drive this car 
often (especially since its damned cold here lately). But I will have to deal 
with the problem soon, when the weather gets warmer and the urge hits me to 
putt around in the "B". Any suggestions? Sounds like we might have the same 
problem, its probably air in the line. Any suggestions from the educated and 
distinguished members of this group? Would anyone like to step up to the 
podium and shed some light on this situation? Thanks in 
advance...........Bill in Misery...EEEERrrrrrr...Missouri

62 MK II MGA Roadster
79 MGB Roadster 
and currently "eyeing" and negotiating on a 76' Midget

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