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Re: Skacked? and others

Subject: Re: Skacked? and others
From: Bob Howard <>
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000 15:46:46 -0500
  Roasted, bit the weinie, dorked are some that come quickly to mind.  

On Thu, 30 Mar 2000 10:52:40 EST writes:
> Hi guys
> After the list tussles over the past week maybe this would be some 
> fun? How 
> many different terms (words or otherwise) do people use in different 
> areas to 
> describe something on their LBC's that is FUBAR'. If we bare in mind 
> that we 
> have some younger readers as well, the real ones we use in the shop 
> can be 
> left out.
> How about this for a start
> Skacked, trashed, binned, fubar, screwed, pooed, canned, dead, 
> wasted, 
> toasted, history and shafted more, more, more! Over to you 
> guys..........
> Regards,
> John J, Black 
> Agents for  Vicarage  Jaguar

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