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"Please don't kill me."

Subject: "Please don't kill me."
From: felix Como <>
Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2000 20:20:50 -0500 (EST)
Fellow MG owners,

I apologize for posting this to a car list, but it seemed to be very
relevant for American voters.  I was going to vote for Bush (reluctantly)
but I'm having second thoughts esp. with his drunk driving problem (my wife
and child were killed by a drunk driver).

Felix Como

>> Please read this and if it concerns you as much as it did me, FORWARD IT
>> AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN!  It originally appeared as a letter to the
editor in a California newspaper.
>> Over the course of the campaign for President of the United States,
>> very disturbing facts have come forth about Mr. Bush that would lead
>> even the most loyal Republican, to dread a Bush administration.
>> Mr. Bush has cruised through life on his Daddy's coat tails. That's how
>> got into Yale and Harvard and that's how he became a pilot in the Air
>> National Guard during the Vietnam War. His grades would not have admitted
>> you or me into Yale, Harvard, or pilot training. When your father is a
>> blue-blood senator, you can have anything you want.
>> Why aren't all the Republican military folks concerned about his military
>> record? Bush did not report for duty for an entire year! Most folks, like
>> you and me, would have ended up in Leavenworth or shipped off to Nam. On
>> of that, he refused to report for a required physical exam during that
>> period: the first exam that required drug testing. (One-year gap in
>> National Guard Duty, Boston Globe, 5/23/2000)
>> Yes, some folks will say, well, look at Clinton's draft dodging, and I
>> respond, yes, he protested a bad war, as did I. But look at the flack he
>> from the War Hero Dole supporters (good Republicans all). The point is,
>> Republicans think a good military record is a prerequisite for a good
>> president, they can't have it both ways. Failing to criticize Bush for
>> failings in this department is hypocritical.
>> According to Gail Sheehey (Vanity Fair, October, 2000) Bush's highest
>> ambition has always been to be Commissioner of Baseball. He didn't really
>> want to be Governor, it was a fall back option when he wasn't appointed
>> Commissioner. Do we really want a president in the White House who REALLY
>> wants to be a baseball commissioner??
>> Her article also addresses his verbal gaffes. More than likely, Mr. Bush
>> dyslexic and has an attention deficit disorder. His mother tutored him
>> intensively all through school because he had trouble reading. To this
>> he never reads the reports that are submitted to him. He asks his aides
>> explain them to him, verbally. He cannot sit still for more than a
>> half-hour: meetings bore him. Is this presidential material? A spoiled
>> preppy who can't sit still?
>> To add to these disturbing traits, Mr. Bush tortured animals as a child.
>> According to Myriam Miedzian of the Baltimore Sun (Growing up is hard to
>> 9/12/200) Mr. Bush enjoyed stuffing firecrackers into frogs from behind,
>> throwing them in the air and watching them blow up. Mr. Bush's childhood
>> friend Terry Throckmorton "openly and laughingly admits, 'We were
>> to animals'" Animal cruelty is a well-known symptom of serious
>> problems.
>> In her article, she worries, "Is boy George's lack of empathy and cruelty
>> not just childhood insensitivity, but rather a personality trait still
>> present in the man? If so, we have much to be concerned about. Last year,
>> George W. Bush gave an interview to a Talk magazine reporter about the
>> execution of convicted Texas murderer Karla Faye Tucker, who became a
>> Christian after her incarceration. Mr. Bush chose to mimic the late Karla
>> Faye begging for mercy: "Please," Bush whimpers, his lips pursed in mock
>> desperation, 'don't kill me.'"
>> It is crystal clear that Bush is a pawn of the vested interests that he
>> carries around in his back pocket (and his DNA), a man most unfit
>> psychologically, mentally and emotionally to hold the highest office in
>> country.
>> I would have felt much safer having a contest between McCain and Gore. At
>> least if Gore didn't win, I wouldn't contemplate leaving the country!
>> Please! don't vote for Bush.

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